Sunday, November 16, 2008

Final Observatory

  1. Stationary vs. Moving organisms- 4 still Rotifers. All moving organisms besides that. Partivle movement aswell. Pseudopia moving. Arcella present (2 large). Pernema present (pg.51 "Freshwater Protozoa"). Planeria present (pg.114 "Freshwater Protozoa"). Frontonia present (pg. 147 "Freshwater Protozoa"). Condylostoma present (pg.144 "Freshwater Protozoa"). Strobilidium present (pg.160 "Freshwater Protozoa").
  2. Description of Motion- Arcella have circular movement. Strobilidium random fast movement. Flagelluem slow movement. Pernema have random movement but they seem to stay in the same area.
  3. Single cellular or Multicellular- Multicellular Pernema. Everything else single cellular.
  4. Chlorophyll green vs. non-green organisims- Brown to greenish-brown.
  5. Habitat preference- Few organisims remain in central location of microaquarium. Many have moved to sediment at the bottom.
  6. Number of Organisims- Many Arcella. Many Rotifers but only 4 are still. Substantial growth of all organisims.

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