Sunday, October 26, 2008

Creation of MicroAquarium (week 1)

Observatory based on creation:
1. Stationary vs. Moving organisms-Some stationary organisms and some moving organisms. Mostly moving organisms. Pseudopodia movement. Nematode and Cilia movement. Maybe some stationary Planaria (hard to differentiate organisms).
2. Description of motion-Circular/random movement for Pseudopodia. Nematodes and Cilia had a random movement. Planaria was stationary however, it did have a whipping motion. 
3. Single celled vs. Multicellular organisms- Pseudopodia is very large but single celled. Nematodes and Cilia are single celled. Planaria is single celled as well.
4. Chlorophyll green vs. non-green organisms- Green to greenish-brown organisms. Non-green organisms also. 
5. Habitat preference-Habitat is mostly in the middle. Some movement from top to bottom but reside in the middle mostly.
6. Number of organisms-Very few of each of the organisms. 2 to 3 Nematodes and Cilia. 1 to 2 Pseudopodia. 1 Planaria.

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